To enter, participants must complete the sentence on photo titled Complete and Win posted on The Foodie Network’s Facebook or Instagram pages on August 25th,2020.
Sentences can be submitted by commenting on or replying to the post.
Participants may submit more than one entry, and each entry counts as one entry.
At the end of the contest, five winners will be selected to receive an Amazon gift card, valued at Rs 250.
The Foodie Network (TFN) reserves the right to remove any entries deemed inappropriate or offensive.
PRIZES: There are 5 prizes for 5 winners, Amazon gift card, valued at Rs 250 each. Upon the completion of the contest, The Foodie Network will choose the prize winners.
ELIGIBILITY: The contest is by The Foodie Network (TFN). It is open to all residents of India 13 years of age or older, with the exception of all employees of The Foodie Network and their immediate families. If entrants are under the age of 13, TFN reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to contact your parent/legal guardian for the purpose of verifying his/her agreement on your behalf to the terms and conditions outlined in these Official Rules and Regulations. All participants are eligible to win one 1 Amazon gift card, valued at Rs 250.
CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP AND MODEL RELEASES: Contestants hold the publisher and contest sponsors harmless from any breach of copyright in India, and elsewhere and from consequential litigation.
PUBLICATION RIGHTS: TFN reserves publication rights of winning images in its advertising, marketing, and electronic media materials, as well as for possible use in future The Foodie Network promotional material.
DESIGNATION OF WINNERS: Contest begins on August 24, 2020, and closes at 11:59 PM, August 31, 2020. Winners will be notified of their win via Facebook, Instagram, or email, within 10 days of final contest closing date. Please do not inquire about the status of your submission.
ACCEPTANCE OF RULES: Participation in the contest indicates complete acceptance of the contest rules set forth herein.
PRIZES AND DELIVERY: Prizes will be delivered to contest winners within 30 days of the contest closing. Amazon Gift card is valued at Rs250 as provided by prize sponsors. Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash and must be accepted as awarded, with no substitutions of any kind, except by the Sponsor.
PRIZE WINNERS: By accepting a prize, each Winner consents to the use of his/her name, address (city and province/territory of residence), voice, and statements relating to the Contest or the TFN, and photographs or other likenesses, without further compensation, notification or permission in any publicity or advertising carried out by the TFN or any related entities in any and all media now known or hereinafter developed without territorial or time limitation, except where prohibited by law. TFN shall not be held responsible for any delays in awarding prizes for any reason outside of their control. Prizes will only be delivered to verified Winners.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: The Foodie Network (TFN) reserves the right to disqualify any entrant’s registration in the Contest (and void all associated entries/points, and delete all content) or entitlement to a prize if, in the sole discretion of TFN, it determines or suspects that the entrant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or other fraudulent, deceptive or unfair playing practices (including any entries generated by script, macro, robotic, programmed, or any other automated means or any other means which subvert the entry process).
WAIVERS: As a condition of registering on the site and entering, All Participants agree: (a) to release TFN from any and all liability, loss or damages that may result with respect to sponsoring the Contest or the awarding, receipt, possession, and/or use or misuse of any prize or any travel related thereto; (b) that under no circumstances will participants be permitted to obtain awards for, and participants hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages; (c) all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest, or any prize awarded. Disputes shall be resolved through arbitration and without resort to any form of legal action; and (d) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, and in no event will entrants be entitled to receive attorneys’ fees and court costs.
INSTAGRAM GUIDELINES: Please note that this contest is in noway endorsed by or sponsored by Instagram.
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