17 Travel Words To Add To Your Lexicon

17 Travel Words To Add To Your Lexicon
17 Travel Words To Add To Your Lexicon

Being travel fluent is the best way to enrich your travel experiences.

While long distance travel continues to be restricted in these uncertain times, Christine Sharma shares some wanderlust-filled words to inspire you to brush up your travel vocabulary to prepare yourself for your next holiday. These travel words are literary gems which have been gathered from languages around the world, that describe travel emotions we go through much better.

1. RESFEBER (Noun of Swedish origin, pronounced RACE-fay-ber)

The mixture of excitement and nervousness that overwhelms you before on a trip. We have all felt this at some point!  Remember when we had to travelling alone for the first time?

2. FERNWEH (Noun of German origin, pronounced FEIRN-veyh)

It literally means “distance sickness,” the yearning to leave and travel somewhere far away. The exact opposite of homesickness.

3. SEHNSUCHT (Noun of German origin, pronounced ZEIN-zukt)

Sehnsucht, another common word used by travellers, means to long and yearn for travel, whether it’s in the past or in the future. It’s also used to describe the feeling you get when you relive your past travels anew.

4. SOLIVAGANT (Noun of Latin origin, pronounced So·LI·va·gant)

Not everyone wants to travel with others, right? Solivagant means a solo wanderer who actively seeks to travel alone to new places.

5. VAGARY (Verb of Latin origin, pronounced vei-guh-ree)

A wistful longing and yearning to roam, not caring about the destination. It is rather erratic and unpredictable.

6. DÉRIVE (Noun of French origin, pronounced DE-reev)

This word literally translates as “drift.” Or going with the flow, allowing the lay of the land to guide you, in an unplanned, spontaneous way. A good example would be, “See that lake in the distance? Let’s go and check it out!”

7. CODDIWOMPLE (Verb of English origin, pronounced KOD-ee-WOM-pl)

This word is my absolute favourite in this list! To ‘coddiwomple’ is to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague or as-yet-unknown destination. It is slang. I can actually hear myself saying “I’m in the mood to coddiwomple today!”

8. PEREGRINATE (Verb of English origin, pronounced PAIR-uh-gruh-nayt)

A long journey wandering from place to place, especially on foot. A lot of backpackers do this.

9. HODOPHILE (Noun of Greek origin, pronounced HO-duh-file)

A hodophile is literally a lover of road, but is used to mean one who loves to travel. Ours is family of hodophiles!

10. FLAUNER (Noun of French origin, pronounced FLAN-er)

A person of leisure, deliberately aimless, strolling the streets      soaking in the city, observing society.

11. SMULTROSTALLE (Noun of Swedish origin, pronounced smUl-tron-‘stel-e)

A special place returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll, free from stress and sadness. Many people have their special place, one that makes them feel happy. These could be second homes, golf resorts, rejuvenation centres or such like.

12. YOKO MESHI (Noun of Japanese origin, pronounced yoh–koh mesh-ee)

That particular stress that builds up when you have to speak a foreign language. I never knew there was a word for this! But I can imagine being anxious if I am grappling for words in a strange country.

13. SONDER (Verb of German origin, pronounced ZHON-der)

The realisation that each passer-by is living a life as multifaceted as your own – each with their own hopes, dreams, ambitions, friends, routines, problems etc.

14. ELEUTHEROMANIA (Noun of Greek origin, pronounced e-lu-thero-ma-nia)

An intense and irresistible craving for the freedom.

15. COCKAIGNE (Noun of French origin, pronounced kaw-kein)

A mythical wonderland of extreme luxury and great creature comforts. Some destinations seem idyllic like a cockaigne before we actually travel there and see it for ourselves.

16. QUAQUAVERSAL (Adjective of Latin origin, pronounced kwak-kwe-ver-sal)

Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously. When you want to do and see everything all at once in an exciting new place.

17. TROUVAILLE (Noun of French origin, pronounced tru-vaii)

A chance encounter with something wonderful. This could be discovering a gem of a restaurant, a quaint museum, a beautiful sculpture or a hidden boutique. These are the absolutely delightful happenings we experience while travelling.

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