With references to the movie classic, An Affair to Remember, including a moment atop the Empire State Building, Nora Ephron’s Sleepless in Seattle combines romance and New York City like few others. One of the most memorable scenes from the movie was shot at The Rainbow Room where Annie (Meg Ryan) is on Valentine’s Day date with her fiance, Walter (Bill Pullman). While taking in the phenomenal view, the sight of an illuminated heart on the Empire State Building pushes Meg Ryan to take a chance and meet her true love Sam (played by Tom Hanks) on the Empire State’s observation deck. Rainbow Room has been a New York City classic since its opening in 1934 and is often the first choice to celebrate evening sundowners, special occasions, Sunday brunches, and rightly so. The sheer amount of food choices (seafood to meats, salads to vegetarian fare, and desserts to coffee), a revolving dance floor, combined with breathtaking views of the New York skyline epitomizing quintessential New York glamour, rising 65 stories above the landmark Rockefeller Center to host unforgettable moments, is an experience not to be missed.
Address: 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 65th Floor, New York, NY 10112

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