Bonjour! Yes, you guessed it right. We have now arrived in the most visited city in the world. From the time you land in Paris, you feel a magnetic pull from the instantly recognizable landmarks – the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, as if they’ve been longing to see you; then the smell of baking bread wafting out of the patisseries and boulangeries makes you sway towards them. It’s almost like you’re caught in a tug of war between vegetarian food and culture.

As we explore the menu of cozy neighborhood bistros and Michelin star restaurants, to pick a spot for dinner, my partner (who believes no good story started with a salad) decides to feast on beloved French delicacies steak-frites, huitres (oyesters), and soupe a l’oignon (French onion soup) a story he will tell you another day while I decide to opt for one of the most famous and delectable vegetarian dish of all times – Soufflé au fromage (cheese souffle, equally famous in Britain). This easy, cheesy version is pillowy and inviting. Airy and simple, this legendary French comfort food consists of a cheese base combined with the goodness of butter, milk, and flour. Traditionally it’s made with Goat’s cheese but you can vary the flavour with other cheeses. If you don’t like stilton, ask the chef to make it with nutty gruyere instead. When baked, the dish puffs up into a heavenly, golden souffle, believed to have been invented during the late 18th century. Adding pureed cauliflower to this appetizer-sized souffle gives the dish the heartiness to be a vegetarian main when served with a salad and a baguette.

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