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Cardamom Buns | Sweden


Deep-blue archipelagos; Northern Lights; High Street Fashion; Multifaceted Culinary Scene; Sweden is a Nordic dream date. But what’s going to “Have You at Hello’ at least as per many bun aficionados is Sweden’s favorite Cardamom Buns (sweet and tasty rolls with warm and bright flavors of cinnamon and cardamom spices combined). They emit autumnal colors and are best enjoyed as a part of Fika, the coffee break that comes twice daily in many Swedish workplaces. While a freshly baked cardamom bun is a memorable treat, it’s also a simple and comforting one. In a classic recipe crushed cardamom seeds are stirred into lightly enriched, yeasted dough, and then rolled up with a sweet layer of sugar and spice.
For the perfect Fika, whip up a batch of cardamom buns, brew some strong coffee, and call a friend, since the iconic Swedish coffee break is as much about talking as it is about treats. This Winner Takes it All!

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