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Banana Bread | United States of America


Talk about comfort food and Banana bread is sure to top the list. It is a moist, sweet American bread made from mashed bananas, first started to appear in the United States in the late 19th century, and it took some time before they started to get used to desserts. This bread became very popular with the rise of baking soda and baking powder during the 1930s. Although it is an American invention, banana bread is also very popular in Vietnam, baked in two varieties – baked cake, with a golden-brown crust, and banana pudding, or steamed banana cake.
Along with bananas as the key ingredient, walnuts, pecans, cinnamon, raisins, or chocolate chips are also sometimes added to the bread in order to improvise. Either way, it is perfect for a lazy weekend especially if you are entertaining guests because there’s something for everyone, from healthy to sugar-free to vegan versions.

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